Related Projects

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Stimulate shared actions on Green Deal initiatives across Europe, by providing Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) tools to support the implementation of 8 EU Green Deal policy areas, at the local and regional level.


Develop and operationalise novel participatory instruments for proactive and strategic citizen engagement in sustainability transitions. It will combine design-led territorial tools with digital tools for citizen deliberation at scale.


Augmenting participation, co-creation, trust and transparency in Deliberative Democracy at all scales


Increasing responsiveness to citizens’ voices in social services across Europe.


Improve our understanding of the “representative disconnect”, and to formulate some remedies, at the institutional level, and at the level of civil society.


The proposed research effort will monitor the structural (long-term) drivers of political trust but also emphasize the strategies which can be employed by diverse actors and agencies to strengthen accurate and informed judgments of agency trustworthiness.


Investigates the ways in which social movements, coupled with local government reform initiatives, manifesting themselves in local-level experiments, create momentum for political change that include more inclusive and participatory forms of governance.


Role of Participatory Budgeting in fostering greater and more informed citizen participation in policy-making in a period of increased polarization and alienation from the political process.


Experimenting ways of systematically embedding deliberative practices and institutions in the multilevel system of governance and representation of the European Union.


Investigates under which conditions regulatory regimes are trusted by analysing the interactions between the involved actors.


Aims to bring novel insights into trust and distrust in governance and measures to support sustainable and democratic societies in Europe.


PERITIA’s key hypothesis is that affective and normative factors play a central role in decisions to trust.


Aims to engage local comunities in the design and implementation of small cultural activities related to environmental sustainability and water in Turin, Belgrade, and Lisbon.


Providing an innovative conceptual framework focusing on political attitudes, behaviour, and representation across Europe.


Aims to foster the mainstreaming of lifestyles compatible with the Paris climate target in Europe, using citizen and stakeholder labs at national and EU level.


Brings together a consortium of eleven research-oriented and academic institutions from all across Europe to address the fragile state of democracy in Eastern Europe and provide ways forward for EU democracy support in its eastern neighbourhood.


Examines how the EU can strengthen its foreign and security toolboxes to bolster the resilience and transformation of (potential) candidate countries in a new age of international relations.