Consortium Researchers


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Ines Campos (Project Coordinator)

Coordinating the new Horizon Europe project INCITE-DEM to contribute to a sustainable, transparent, and inclusive societal transformation, while developing my post-doc research into inclusive energy futures and energy communities.  Enjoy navigating between quantitative methods and data analytics and participatory approaches to building a broader societal engagement in climate change mitigation, sustainability, and energy transformations.

Affiliation: FCiências.ID

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Sandra Oliveira

Based in Lisbon, joined CE3C – Center for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/FCiências.ID’s ‘INCITE-DEM’ Horizon Europe project – looking forward to this aim of contributing to ‘Co-designing for Democracy’ in Europe. 

With a communication and anthropology background and experience in global citizenship, founder of NGO 4Change, has invested for the last 15 years towards participatory tools, projects and processes with the communities, managing projects concerned with facilitation of learning, C4D tools and local citizens engagement.

Affiliation: FCiências.ID 

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João Limão

PhD in Communication Studies: Technology, Culture and Society (FCT), from the University of Beira Interior, in a consortium with ISCTE-IUL – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, University of Minho, and the Lusófona University, with a thesis on communication in processes of participation and democratic deliberation.

His main research interests are in communication studies, especially in the areas of public and audience studies, public sphere, deliberation and participation, journalism and science communication, and he has published articles on how the public accesses information and how participatory budgeting is covered in the regional press. He works at the Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (CE3C), University of Lisbon, as a post-doctoral researcher on INCITE-DEM – Inclusive Citizenship in a World in Transformation: Co-Designing for Democracy.

Affiliation: FCiências.ID

University of Münster

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Doris Fuchs

Doris Fuchs is Professor of International Relations and Sustainable Development and Speaker of the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research at the University of Muenster in Germany. Her research focuses on (the potential for and barriers to) sustainability governance with a special focus on power and participation, consumption, the role of religious norms and actors. She is particularly interested in questions of justice, responsibility and democratic legitimacy.

Empirically, she focuses on agrifood, climate, and energy policy in particular. She is a political scientist by training with an emphasis on political economy perspectives. Her research has been published in numerous journals and edited volumes.

Affiliation: University of Muenster

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Oliver Treib

Oliver Treib is Professor of Comparative Policy Analysis and Research Methods at the University of Münster. His research revolves around the promises and pitfalls of legitimate democratic governance under the conditions of (1) globalization and European integration, (2) growing levels of polarization giving rise to deeply-divisive agonistic conflicts, and (3) the need to implement major policy change to cope with the the multiple sustainability crises confronting the world today. He is particularly interested in mechanisms of democratic participation that are both socially inclusive and able to handle high-conflict issues.

Affiliation: University of Muenster

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Bernd Schlipphak

Bernd is Professor of Political Science with a focus on Empirical Research Methods. He works at the intersection of Political Psychology, Political Sociology, and Political Communication, with a thematic focus on the topics of Legitimacy, Polarisation, Politicization, Democracy and Sustainability. Methodologically, he has designed and analyzed a plentitude of international / domestic surveys in the past, and is now moving forward to advanced methods of computational social sciences.

Affiliation: University of Muenster 

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Vanessa Buth

Vanessa has experience as senior research associate in projects such as CONNEX, DemoCiv, “Negotiating Brexit” and in the European Commission: Facing the Future” and its follow-up research projects. She has broad skills in qualitative research. 

She moreover has ample experience from the NGO sector as community organiser, climate policy analyst and in communication and political advocacy in the fields of climate change and just finance. Her main interests are grassroots democracy and just socio-economic transition. 

Affiliation: University of Muenster 

Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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Christian Klöckner

Prof. Dr. Christian A. Klöckner is a professor in social psychology and quantatitve methods at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He leads the research group for “Citizen, Environment, and Safety” which is focusing on researching individual, social and contextual drivers of environmental decisions (including food, energy, mobility, housing). His personal research interest are modelling of environmentally relevant decisions and behaviour in the social and structural context, innovative environmental communication methods, societal disruption and transition, and psychologiocal trade-offs in sustainability issues. He is engaged in many national and international research projects, coordinating several of them, among them the H2020 projects ECHOES, SMARTEES, and ENCHANT. He is author of more than 100 academic papers

Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology 

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Erica Löfström

Key words: environmental psychology, eco-visualization, energy visualizations, co-design, participatory design processes, qualitative methods, innovation, prototyping, provotyping.

Erica Löfström works with Radical Innovation for Sustainable Futures, and specializes in eco-visualization, provotyping (provocative prototyping), and the design of new solutions as part of participatory processes. Her background in the cutting field between Computer Science, Science- and Technology Studies (STS), has allowed her to develop a new direction in environmental communication that involves Disruptive Communication and Eco-Visualization. In this new direction, art and design/interfaces are important ingredients. During the last few years, she has developed new co-design methodologies in addition to using existing ones. This is to meet the need for radical innovation and to achieve systemic changes to enable the transition to a low-carbon society. She continually carries out explorative research projects which actively involve end-users and other stakeholders by means of prototyping and provotyping as part of a method called vision workshops.

Affiliation: Norwegian University of Science and Technology 

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University of Groningen

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Wander Jager

Wander’s research and teaching focuses on how interactions between people give rise to the emergence of collective behavior. In particular he is interested in the spreading of new technologies, opinion dynamics & polarization and the societal transition towards sustainability. The methodology of social simulation, where people develop computer simulations of large populations, is a methodology Wander likes very much. Wander also likes to collaborate with people from different scientific disciplines on interdisciplinary challenges, and is very curious of all scientific developments.

Affiliation: University of Groningen 

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Shaoni Wang

Shaoni, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Groningen, is captivated by studying the dynamics of social systems. Her enthusiasm lies in revealing the intricate interplay between individual actions and collective phenomena through computational modelling, with a particular emphasis on agent-based modelling. Her research focuses on delving into the dynamics of group performance, opinion evolution, and polarization. She actively seeks collaborations with researchers from various backgrounds, driven by a shared goal of enriching our comprehension of the complexities within society.

Affiliation: University of Groningen 

University of Helsinki

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Petteri Repo

Petteri Repo’s research focuses on how consumers wish to change markets. Dr. (Econ.) Repo is Research director at the Centre for Consumer Society Research at the University of Helsinki and Adjunct professor (Docent) at the Aalto University School of Business.

Affiliation: University of Helsinki

Tallinn University

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David Lamas

David Lamas heads the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) group at Tallinn University’s School of Digital Technologies. He also serves as the chair of the Estonian chapter of ACM’s SIGCHI ( and as an expert member of IFIP’s TC13 ( David’s main research interests are design theory and methodologies. He has been designing organizations, communities and human technologies, systems and more since his post-doc at Michigan State University as a member of the MIND Labs network ( He has done so in the USA, UK, Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique and recently in Afghanistan and Estonia, developing through his experiences an acute understanding of how to shape and lead transformation processes. David bootstrapped the Master in Human-Computer Interaction and the Masters in Interaction Design, the latter run online jointly with the Cyprus University of Technology. He has also been grooming the local HCI community with a steady stream of training events such as the seasonal courses on Experimental Interaction Design, Research Methods in HCI, and the Design of Human Technologies since 2010. He has also run a complimentary stream of dissemination activities such as the bi-monthly meetups and the yearly celebration of the World Usability Day. This recurring event alone brings together more than 600 researchers and practitioners every year, a bit from all over the world, but mainly from the Baltics and Nordic countries. David’s contribution to the worldwide HCI community is also relevant as he served as chair of INTERACT 2019, NordiCHI 2020, AfriCHI 2021 and ICIDIS 2021. David also has a solid project participation record, taking part, leading and supporting his team in various research, development, educational and training other projects. Finally, David has successfully supervised forty-eight master students, seven doctoral students and two post-doc researchers. He currently supervises twelve doctoral students, three of which about to complete their studies.

Affiliation: Main contact Tallinn University

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Yulia Sion

Yulia is a mixed-methods UX Researcher with a passion for wearable tech and haptic interactions. She is a Ph.D. student at the HCI department of Tallinn University, located in a little digital country, Estonia. Her main focus of research is body-centric vibrotactile implicit interactions, enabled by e {electronic} – textiles.  I am fascinated by the enormous potential of tactile communication which can be realized through haptic technology.

Affiliation:  Tallinn University


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Claudia Diaz Reyes

Claudia is an MSc student in Human-Computer Interaction with a background in Design and Crafts. Currently, her interest lies in generative design, combining technology and creativity to push the boundaries of design. She aims to use generative research to create meaningful and engaging outcomes that enhance the human experience. Her work has focused on exploring the textures and patterns of fabric through weaving, where she seeks to capture the intangible using metaphors and sustainable practices. Claudia sees fabric as a medium for storytelling and creating immersive experiences.

Affiliation:  Tallinn University


Instituto de Ciências Sociais -University of Lisbon

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Roberto Falanga

He obtained a PhD in Sociology in 2013 and he is currently Assistant Research Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. His main research interests revolve around democratic innovations and sustainability, with a focus on the policy cycle of participatory and deliberative processes. He has published extensively on participatory budgeting, participatory planning, environmental sustainability, and he is now examining the dissemination of deliberative mini-publics in Southern Europe. He has collaborated as a consultant with public agencies at multiple levels and he is a member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD programme in Development Studies, at the University of Lisbon.   

Affiliation: Instituto de Ciências Sociais -University of Lisbon 

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Luís de Sousa

Luís de Sousa got his Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences at the European University Institute, Italy in 2002. He is currently Principal Researcher at the Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (ICS-ULisboa). He is also Local Research Correspondent on Corruption for the European Commission and acts as an international consultant on corruption control and political ethics regulation for various international governmental and non-governmental organisations (e.g., SIGMA/OECD, Council of Europe, OSCE/ODIHR, UNDP, Transparency International, Global Integrity, etc.) and founder and former Chairperson of TI-Portugal. He works and publishes primarily on corruption perceptions and control policies, political ethics regulation, quality of democracy, regional integration, cross-border cooperation, local government, and comparative politics in general.

Affiliation: Instituto de Ciências Sociais -University of Lisbon 

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Pedro Magalhães

Researcher of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon. He obtained a PhD in Political Science from Ohio State University in 2003. His research interests include public opinion, elections and the relationship between justice and politics. His work appeared in academic journals such as “American Journal of Political Science”, “Comparative Political Studies”, “European Journal of Political Research”, “Political Research Quarterly”, “West European Politics”, “Experimental Economics”, including many others.

Affiliation: Instituto de Ciências Sociais -University of Lisbon

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Lea Heyne

Lea Heyne is a political scientist and research fellow at ICS, with a PhD in Democracy Studies from the University of Zurich (2018). Her work focuses on the relationship between globalisation, democratic quality, political attitudes and voting behaviour. Her research has been published, among others, in Research & Politics, Electoral Studies, Political Research Exchange, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties and the Swiss Political Science Review. She is PI of the FCT project TINA and president and co-founder of the association DemocracyNet. 

Affiliation: Instituto de Ciências Sociais -University of Lisbon 

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Annarita Gori

Annarita Gori (Arezzo, Italy 1982) obtained a PhD degree at the University of Siena (2012) and is currently an assistant researcher at the ICS-UL postdoctoral at the Institute of Social Sciences. Her field of specialization is cultural propaganda of Portuguese Estado Novo and history of intellectual networks. In the recent years she was visiting scholar at New York University (2015), SciencePo(2016) and FLAD-Brown visiting professor at Brown University (2020).

 Her research was widely disseminated in various languages and has been published, among others,  in Cultural and Social History, Intellectual History Review. 

She is the PI of the FCT project ExPORT and curator of the exhibition “The spectacle of Power” currently on display on the Padrão dos Descobrimentos.

Affiliation: Instituto de Ciências Sociais -University of Lisbon 

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José Duarte Ribeiro

Recently completed his PhD in Sociology from Middle East Technical University, Turkey (2023) with a research on rural resistance, social movements and authoritarianism in Turkey. In that context he is the author of the chapter “Do peasants make history? Authoritarianism and rural resistance in contemporary Turkey” on the book “Fragments of repression and resistance: AKP rule in Turkey” to be published in 2023 by Peter Lang Publishing.  

He is interested in social movements and the interplay between civil society organisations, democracy and authoritarianism.

Currently he is a postdoctoral researcher at ICS of Lisbon university and before JD Ribeiro worked as a researcher and lecturer at the Center for Latin American Studies of Ankara University (2018-2023).

Affiliation: Instituto de Ciências Sociais -University of Lisbon 

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João Moniz

João Moniz holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Aveiro (2023). His research so far has sought to understand the dynamics of politicization and opposition to the European Union. His career includes participation in several national and international research projects and some of his works, as a co-author, have been published in scientific journals in the field of political science such as South European Politics and Society. 

Affiliation: Instituto de Ciências Sociais -University of Lisbon 


Asociacion Eco-Union

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Jeremie Fosse

I like to define myself as a global thinker and sustainability strategist, blended with innovative and activist mind. After working in the business world, I have decided to commit fully to the sustainable development of our economy, communities and society by co-funding and currently leading eco-union, an independent environmental Think and Do Tank. My focus is now in discovering and exploring any ambitious opportunities that have positive economical, social and environmental impact on our beautiful planet.

Specialties: International management, Business development, Intercultural relationships, Non profit organisation, Sustainable development, Corporate Social Responsability, Urban Ecology, IT – Web 2.0 – Open Source software

Affiliation: Asociacion Eco-Union 


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Francesc Cots

I’m a lawyer admitted to the bar both in the United States and Spain with 20 years of experience working in the fields of sustainable development, environmental policy and climate change. My experience working in different environments (academy, consultancy and the public sector) provide me a deep and transversal understanding of the issues at stake when moving public administrations, enterprises and communities towards sustainability. Currently, I am combining consultancy and research in Ecounion with lecturing in Energy and Sustainable Consumption, Governance and Resilience; and Sustainable Development in Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). I have a Phd in Environmental Policy and Law.

Affiliation: Asociacion Eco-Union


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Lidija Živčič

Lidija Živčič (Female) is the senior expert of Focus. Her work covers topics of sustainable development, climate, energy, transport, consumption, participation, degrowth and global responsibility. She has over 15 years of experience in managing projects at the level of Slovenia and the EU. Currently, she coordinates IEE funded project REACH. In the past, she worked on European projects, such as FP7 funded EJOLT, and numerous Slovenian projects. Also, she is experienced in policy work (developing policy framework and action plans in Slovenia and participating in the shaping of EU legislation). Lidija has extensive experience in communicating the listed topics in everyday life through education programmes, awareness raising actions and policy campaigns. She has access to a broad network of experts, decision-makers and campaigners in Slovenia and Europe. After completing her undergraduate studies of economics in Ljubljana in 2000, she completed a MSc course in Environmental Science and Policy at the Central European University in Budapest in 2001. In 2012, Lidija earned a PhD degree at Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana, with her dissertation on raising awareness on climate change in Slovenia.

Affiliation: Focus Association for Sustainable Development 

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Špela Nastav

Špela is a communication officer and campaigner at Focus, Association for Sustainable Development, with over 10 years of experience working in various communicating projects, awareness-raising campaigns, and working with the media. She is experienced in editing written content, producing online and social media content, press releases, and organising events. Worked as a PR officer at the Government Office for European Affair, assistant spokesman  during the Slovenian EU presidency and participated in preparations for the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU. Worked as a coordinator and project manager within the EU Management Partnership with the Slovenian government and participated in public awareness campaigns about Slovenia’s accession to the EU.

Affiliation: Focus Association for Sustainable Development 

Kyoto Club

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Eugenio Barchiesi

In Kyoto Club since 2015, he has been the Coordinator of the International Unit since 2017. He is a renewable energy engineer, specialised in energy efficiency. At Kyoto Club, he manages international and EU projects, including activities such as training with High Schools and Universities, supporting local authorities in drafting and shaping sustainable territorial policies and strategies, awareness-raising and information campaigns, producing policy papers and recommendations towards national and EU institutions.

Affiliation: Kyoto Club